Monday, October 5, 2009

Overwhelmed with Joy and Success! Grateful to Every One

The activities of SAVE THE SOCIETY
We are very pleased to inform you that the (Kulaputta Pabbajja) Great Ordination ceremonies will be held on 25th of December, 2009

You can be a Sasana-Dayaka
By sponsoring one candidate ( the monk-to-be) you can be the inheritant of the Buddha's Sasana.

Great opportunity of earning merits!

By donating one or more meals to the newly ordained monks you would have a great opportunity of earning merits, as well the participation to the geart ordination ceremony.

To know more information, please contact us!

I was overwhelmed with joy and success for all the support by all the devotees at Dhammaloka. It was a great day for me, as I said, someone was telling me YOU SHOULD GO TO DHAMMALOKA at fullmoon day!

I'm so grateful to all the Thai-Sri Lanka-Burmese devotees for their support, unconditional love and respect. The names are too many to mention, even I don't know the names. And sorry about that. Please, provide me with your details.

The ordination ceremonies will be held sometime in December, 2009. This is a great success. Please, provide me with your name and address, all those who donated for this project. We will send you the pictures of the novice monks and photos of entire ceremonies.

Please, email me at or call me at 0405283731,

We will keep you updated.

Rejoice in Dhamma!

( Special thanks to Upasika Cherry for being there all the time, Mr Mike Davids and Linda Gann for supporting. Mr Prem, Mr Mohan for understanding and support.)